Group seeks political power for P2P | CNET Another interesting development in using the internet as a political vehicle as well as another front in the war on the entertainment industry. I've just come across this article so as yet I haven't had a chance to check out exactly what the organization is advocating, its sponsorship and membership, etc. You can check it out too here.
Just off the top of my head, I'd guess the question of success for this movement will hinge on the positions this group takes. If this is nothing but cover for the extremist slashdot/open everything/rip off the music industry crowd, it won't attract enough support to have any clout - certainly not enough to provide a viable counter to the power of the RIAA and its ilk. If the positions taken are based on more reasoned advocacy of openness, the fair use rights of consumers vs. the evil empire of the RIAA, the need for change based on new enabling technology, and protection of the intellectual property rights (including the right to be compensated) of artists/creators then I think that an organization like this could pick up some real momentum.
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