I posted about a month ago about Onfolio, a new software product that I was trying. Since then I have downloaded two additional products: ActiveWords and Ecto. After using all three, I've decided that two of the three make the cut for purchase and future use, one gets uninstalled...
I'm purchasing and keeping Onfolio and Ecto and uninstalling ActiveWords. All three were downloaded based on commentary that I found on multiple weblogs, so thanks to the blogosphere for pointing out these new products. Here are my thoughts on each product.
I have posted before on Onfolio. I realize that there are other products out there that perform a similar function but Onfolio is the first that I've found that combines functionality that I want at a low enough price point to match my usage pattern. Onfolio is clearly a rel. 1.0 product in that there is lots of additional functionality that I can see to add to the product and there are a few rough edges to some of the existing functions; however, I'm also impressed with the current level of fit and finish and functionality because it is only rel. 1.0. I don't know if the folks at Onfolio can build a company around this product but I think the product is a good idea that fills a previously unmet need so I think that the product has a future. I'm buying Onfolio.
Ecto is a stand-alone desktop weblogging client that replaces the freeware/shareware Kung-Log tool. I downloaded it to my Mac and have been using it on and off for a week or two at this point. I like the tool a lot so far although I don't feel real comfortable that I've mastered it yet. I've found the quality to be high so far. Functionality seems to be good although I must say this is an area where I'm not clear that I've explored it completely. I've not found there to be any meaningful documentation and as a relative technical rookie in this area I'd like to be able to reference documentation once in a while to check that I understand how something works or whether I'm using the tool correctly. One exciting thing (to me at least) is that Ecto is now in beta for Windows. I'm computing ambidextrous in that I use a mix of Mac and Windows (which creates all sorts of interesting problems, but we don't need to go there now) which means that in many areas I use different tools on each platform. I'd love to get to where I can use one consistent weblogging tool on Windows and Mac, especially for offline weblogging, and Ecto looks like a very strong candidate. I also love the cool feature on Mac that allows me to capture automatically the information on the song that I'm currently listening to on iTunes and include that information on a post - wonder what they'll do on Windows? Anyway, another keeper that I'll be purchasing on both Mac and Windows.
ActiveWords is a product that I've installed and tried to use but won't be keeping. It gets uninstalled later today. I've tried to incorporate it into my work pattern but I guess I just don't get it. It gets very good reviews from some people that I respect but it hasn't worked for me. I'm not sure why because I went into trying it really positive about the functionality it provides. And it is a very professionally done piece of software - quality seems to be very high, documentation is well done and very complete, and generally very good fit and finish. But, out it goes.
I'm kind of bummed about not finding a way to take advantage of ActiveWords, but two out of three is pretty good when it comes to new software products.
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