I posted a day or two ago about a new software product named Onfolio and that I thought it looked like an interesting product. Well, I took my own advice and downloaded it so I could check it out. I used it for a while this afternoon to gather information off the web in support of a little research project I was doing for a friend.
I'm impressed with Onfolio so far. At this point, all I've used it for is collecting info from the web. I've stored away links, I've stored away entire pages for offline reading and reference, I've stored one image, and I've grabbed a couple of snippets to save quotes rather than grab the entire page. It's very easy and intuitive to use. I sat through the tutorials and thought that they were well done and provided a very complete overview of the product. At this point I haven't had to do a lot of organizing or structuring of the material I grabbed nor have I tried the "reporting" (publishing) features of the product, although they look good.
Onfolio looks to be a real bargain at $30. This is one product I'll be purchasing well before the 30 day trial period is up. It's really great to see a nice new PC product come out - I guess all software product niches haven't been filled yet. Good job by the guys at Onfolio.
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