The Fastap Keypad | Overview: The Fastap Keypad. David Kirkpatrick's most recent Fortune newsletter talked about the Fastap Keypad. I had not seen this before but am impressed by what Kirkpatrick has to say and by what I read on the Fastap website. As Kirkpatrick says:
When I heard that someone had found a way to add all the keys of a computer keyboard to a normal cellphone keypad without reducing the numbers to the size of poppy seeds, it didn't seem possible. But when I actually saw how it's done, I had the proverbial light-bulb experience. Like that guy in the AT&T Wireless commercial who texts to make up with his wife, I felt like keying "I am an idiot." Of course! This is how it should be.
And I really like the catch phrase on the the Fastap site:
Ease-of-use = USE.
This could get me away from a Blackberry and onto a phone for text messaging/email. Very cool.
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